Monday, November 24, 2014

Thankful for Eternal Life

There are many things we want to be certain about.  We want to be sure that:
* there's enough money in the bank to cover expenses
* the tires are in good condition before a big trip
* our kids are getting a good education
* I have job security
* my spouse loves me
* our doors are locked at night
* my loved ones have what they need
* I have time for fun and recreation
* I can afford to retire some day
* We have medical insurance
* I have food and shelter
* Etc.

However, of all the things in our life that we should be trying to lock down, so that we have total certainty, the most important thing to be sure about is our eternal future.  This past Sunday I shared with my church what the Bible says about eternal life.  For those who missed it let me share with you what just might prove to be the most important bit of information anyone ever told you.

Truth #1 - It is possible to know 100% for sure that when this life comes to an end you will be in heaven with Jesus for eternity.  

Truth #2 - If you're "pretty sure," "not sure," or "hoping" that you'll be in heaven one day, then chances are you're banking on the wrong thing to get you there.  The reason for this is because when we understand and believe what the Bible says about eternal life there is no longer any doubt.  Doubt about eternal life in heaven happens when we are banking on our own good behavior to buy us a spot in heaven.  We hope that we've been good enough or that we haven't done anything too bad or that our good decisions will outweigh the bad decisions.  So, we live with doubt because we're not ever quite sure if we've been good enough to earn God's forgiveness and acceptance.

Truth #3 - The Bible says that neither you nor anybody else, even the most religious person you can think of, has done enough good things to earn heaven.  The saints, the prophets, the disciples, pastors, missionaries, monks, nuns, priests, no person other than Jesus has lived a perfect life.  Even if I was able to be perfect from this day forward there's no solution for my past sins and say I only committed 10 sins a day?  That's still 3,650 sins per year.  No matter how you cut it we're all in trouble.

Truth #4 - Although we could never do enough Jesus did do enough on our behalf.  I can't do enough good things to erase my mistakes and sins but Jesus paid the price of my debt to God on the cross.  The Bible is very clear that he paid for all my sins in full.

Truth #5 - If I believe Jesus did all the work necessary to get me to heaven and that his sacrifice was enough to cover all my sins then I won't have any doubts whatsoever about going to heaven.  Doubt surfaces when I trust myself to get to heaven and doubts disappear when I trust Jesus as my Savior.

There are many verses in the Bible that will reassure you about truth #5.  Read: John 3:16, Ephesians 2:8,9, 1John 5:11-13 and tell Jesus that you trust that his death and resurrection was enough to secure your eternity in heaven.  God's not impressed by your good deeds.  He's only pleased when you choose to trust him, believing that you have eternal life given to you as a gift, thanks to Jesus' sacrifice.

Thank you God for assurance of eternal life...not because I deserve it but because you gave it to me as a gift many years ago when I trusted you as my Savior.

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