Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Why I'm Not Doing the Ice Bucket Challenge

It's amazing that with all the excitement running rampant for such a great cause that there are many people who are scoffing and even undermining this effort to raise money and awareness for a cure to a truly awful disease.  Why would people do that?

It's because if I'm not on the bandwagon then I feel compelled to try and knock the wheels off it.  It's something that is sad but true about many Americans.  We jump on and off of bandwagons with impressive dexterity.  In the process we're not content to simply enjoy the new ride, but have to lob a grenade or two at the one next to me or even the one I was just on.

Watch and see that this is prevalent in America.  It's "give me 3 scoops of the flavor of the month" with a simultaneous gag reflex when offered last month's flavor.  Why can't we be happy for another cause or even another person who is experiencing success, or joy, or astonishment, or discovery, or laughter, or fun?  Why wouldn't we choose to bless rather than to curse?

The Bible calls it blessing others when we express that God is pleased with their goals and efforts.  If there is a cause that you wish you had the time or money to support but you can't, you can still bless it with encouraging words and prayer.  My bandwagons, our church, local school, 1Mission, and my community have each benefited from people like this.  People who are no longer or never were members, but who still bless anyway.

Tammy and I try to give as generously as we can to our church and to missions which doesn't leave much for giving to the many local fundraisers, ALS research, the guy holding a sign on the street corner, or the thousands of other great causes.  However, I'm not going to kick the guy on the corner or scoff at those who give to the Ice Bucket Challenge.  I want to bless those people for their generosity and the fun they're having doing something meaningful.

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