Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Gift of Perspective

Sometimes the greatest gift we could receive is “perspective.” 

Six and half years ago my wife Tammy, and I were in Phoenix Children’s Hospital with our newborn, Zachary, who was battling for his life.  During our daily visits to the hospital we discovered families who were facing problems worse than ours, which gave us perspective. During the recent economic downturn I have seen many people, businesses and churches that suffered more than me or my church.  That was a gift I needed to keep from self-pity.  I also saw that as a church we didn’t need the budget and programs that I thought we needed for God to use us…another gift from God.  

Of course perspective in times of blessing is also a gift from God.  What else keeps me grounded and humble when everything is going my way and my plans are unfolding just as I had imagined?  The truth is that success is often a greater test of character than the trials of life.  So, perspective becomes a vital ally in keeping us from walking down the path of self-sufficiency.  It’s perspective that reminds us that it’s all from God and it all belongs to God.  It’s perspective that teaches us to see that the outward trappings of “success” are only an illusion that could easily distract us from what God’s standard of success really is…faithfulness.

As they prepared for their trip to Bethlehem, I’m sure Mary and Joseph didn’t feel like their lives to that point had amounted to much.   I’m also quite confident that Mary wasn’t looking forward to an 80 mile donkey ride to Bethlehem.   Yet, throughout the first advent, God encouraged Mary and Joseph with visions and visitors.  These gifts from God gave them the heavenly perspective of what He was up to, which caused “Mary to treasure up all these things and ponder them in her heart (Lk 2”.) 

What is God up to in your life and in your church?  You can bet He’s up to something, but if you’re distracted by struggles or blessings you’ll miss it.  As was the case with the birth of Jesus, what God may be up to in your life could be simultaneously understated and profound.  So pray for the perspective to see it! 

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