What is your role
within the church? The Bible is clear that whether you feel needed or not, you're needed.
The eye cannot say to the hand, "I don't need you!" And the head cannot say to the feet, "I don't need you!" On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, (1 Cor 12:21, 22)
So, if you
are a new believer simply find a place of need that sounds interesting and not too
intimidating and get involved. God will begin to steer you into other responsibilities, but as the saying goes, "He can't steer a parked car." For those
who have been walking with Christ for years you've learned about your
spiritual giftedness and whether you’re more of a support person or a leader or possibly a teacher. So, here's your question... Is your role commensurate with your abilities and maturity level? Don't settle for an entry level job!
Whether you prefer to
support or lead or are called to teach, God has an important job for you at your level. Some times your job will be fun and other times it will require frustration and sacrifice. This is because serving is Spiritual Warfare and the Devil knows that your ministry builds the body and is a catalyst for your growth. At the same time, remember that
God has provided spiritual help when serving becomes difficult.
1) A promise - He won’t let you be tested beyond what you
can bear (1Cor 10:13.)
2) A provision - The rhythm
of hard work and Sabbath rest is the key to long-term ministry impact.