Friday, June 22, 2012

Are you really looking for Christ?

When friends tell me they're coming over for dinner or to stay the night I (and more so my children) watch and look for them to arrive.  We don't know exactly when they will arrive, just that they will arrive.  When I'm taking my wife out for a date and looking for the turn to a restaurant or hotel that we've never been to, I watch the signs carefully knowing that eventually we'll find the one that we're supposed to turn at.  We're certain it's there, so we watch carefully.

That's the point of the final 3 feasts of the Jewish people.  These Feasts occurred in the 7th month of their religious calendar (catch the significance of the 7th month) and all look ahead prophetically to the second coming of Christ.  The first 3 Feasts were literally fulfilled in Jesus' first coming (all happening in the first month.)  The 4th Feast always occurred 50 days after the 3rd Feast which happened to be the day of the coming of the Holy Spirit (and commencement of the church age.)

Today we are living in that period between the 4th and 5th Feasts.  When the fulfillment of the 5th Feast happens it will be with the sound of the Shofar.  The name of the Feast, "Trumpets."  One time in the OT, God blew the his awesome revelation at Mt. Sinai.  One time God will blow it again in the future...when Christ comes again.  This time He will take his children to be with Him and he will begin to unleash judgement that is often referred to as the tribulation.  Because God's past prophecies have all taken place just as he said they would, we can have certainty in his future promises.

In the course of our lives we are called by God to look for His coming.  We know that it will happen, just not when it will occur.  So, we should anticipate his arrival and be prepared.  In other words let's expect it to happen each day and if it happens today let's get caught serving Him and living for Him.  Also, if you're struggling with life and you have problems that are bringing you down, remember that we can put our hope in Christ.  One day He will arrive and rescue us from the pain of this world!