The most famous verse used on this topic is Proverbs 22:6. Some translations say "train up a child" while the newest NIV says, "start children off." The Hebrew verb in question here when used in other OT passages is always translated "dedicate" and carries the idea of "starting off" something right!
Following this there is a Hebrew idiom literally translated "upon the mouth of." Of course our translations help us with what that actually means to us today..."according to." So, we start off our kids according to "the way." Throughout scripture, "way" always has the idea of the proper path we should be on.
So, it is our job as parents to start our kids on the proper path. Let me give you a simple plan for doing just that...
1. Love - unconditionally love your kids so that your relationship with them will endure through the hard times and so that they'll more readily accept your discipline.
2. Expectations - clarify your expectations with your kids. Let them know the rules and be sure not to have so many that not even you can remember them all.
3. Affirmation - children need to be affirmed more than they need negative consequences. They will learn the values and behaviors that you want for them, more quickly if you catch them doing good!
4. Discipline - the Bible doesn't equivocate on this. We must bring appropriate pain to bear on our children when they get off the path. We can't abuse or be angry in our discipline, but we also can't refuse to offer consistent correction to our children. To do so is showing them hatred (Prov 13:24.)
Bear in mind that this is wisdom literature meaning that your efforts to train your kids to know, love, and serve God will usually result in them living what they've learned. However, there are no promises or guarantees from God given here, so exceptions will happen.