I'm thrilled with the heart of generosity I'm seeing in our church as the 1Q of 2012 wraps up. Our offerings have been trending in the positive direction and there have been some generous donations to our missions and outreach goals. For the first time in some time we're not drawing on our reserves.
Recently, we've had some needs that if they had arisen just a few months ago we wouldn't have been able to do them.
1. Stacy wants to begin creating some fun backdrops for the children's ministry but we already are in a storage space crunch...so, we're able to get a second mobile mini and I was able to say Yes create away!
2. Our worship service computer crashed a couple Sundays ago and Michelle wanted to upgrade it. When she asked me a few months ago I had to say no...this time I could say Yes!
3. Tammy wants to do her usual classy set up for Easter Sunday (brunch, decor, updated signage)...I said yes!
4. Jon & I have been talking about re-doing our MVCC orientation for some time (Newcomer BBQ's became a "GPS Party.") Sunday we were able to pull it off with quality...catered lunch for adults & pizza & bounce houses for the kids.
5. I met wit Brian yesterday to dream a little about developing youth leadership and I didn't have to say...figure out how to do it with the 5 dollars in your pocket!
6. When McKenzie came back from Haiti and talked to me about if we can begin to plan to adopt an orphanage, 3 months ago I would have said we have to get our own financial house in order before we can dream that dream...instead I said let's start praying!!
I could go on with other examples, but you see the impact of what happens when you make tithing a conviction in your life. It's a win for you because you're learning to trust God and you're demonstrating Godly priorities in your life...and as a church we win because we begin to dream big!