Electronics and Entertainment consume huge amounts of our time. At what cost? When we take the E out of our life we suddenly free up a huge amount of time we can use for something else more productive - like spending it with our creator. It seems that we all are constantly texting, connecting on Facebook, listening to TV and music, on the phone, instant messaging, going to the movies, etc. etc. Our lives are full and often too full. It's like we're feasting on the E parts of life as if we're at some unending amusement buffet. If we see a small area on our plate that is empty we quickly fill that spot from the buffet. God wants us to demonstrate His importance by carving out time to be with him. We can find time in our busy schedules for God by fasting from food or ending the feasting on electronics and entertainment.
In Matthew 6 Jesus gives instructions about fasting. He says "when" you fast, not "if." Jesus also spent big blocks of time escaping people to be with his Heavenly Father - we can assume without food. We know for sure that at least once he spent 40 days fasting (Matthew 4).